Monday, 26 July 2010


I played a new game this weekend, it's called Cathederal. A quick search around the internet informs me that the game first came out in the 70s and upon opening up the game I suspect my copy is about that old. It came from a car boot sale, you see. While the 'retailer' asked for the princely sum of 10p, as i took it and one other game from a vast pile of the usual fare (Monopoly, Go For Broke and so on) I felt guilty and paid them a whole 50p for the two.

This is my second bit of good fortune in my quest to acquire a strategy game hoard. The first one was a copy of Hive, seemingly brand new and unused, unearthed in a charity shop and sold to me for £1.50.

They're similar in style - two players, counter based strategy, but Cathederal is confined to a board and plays, my opponent tells me, similarly to Go, while Hive is a little less restrained. Being new, though, Hive didn't come with the interesting artefacts that Cathederal did. I now own what appears to be a school seating plan for a group meal from the decade I was born.

Hive is available to play online. Cathederal, however, suggests IRC and chess form notation for playing at distance. I think I'll stick with the in-person version. Meanwhile we're wondering how well Hive would play out as a three player, and wondering how to build a new set of pieces.

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